ecostore HP in class A is designed for heavy duty working conditions

Ecostore HP drives energy efficiency and environmentally friendly business, as well as to provide an accurate and comparable classification based on energy consumption.

The new generation of Electrolux Professional’s ecostore refrigeration, ecostoreHP, is already compatible with the requirements of top classes, being a leading range for energy efficiency, storage capacity and performance.

A new generation of energy efficiency

Energy consumption is the key criteria when it comes to selecting the ideal appliance to minimize environmental impact, while optimizing business advantages for catering professionals: ecostoreHP is in class A, where A denotes the most efficient energy saving products (*).

From customer insight to leading design

ecostoreHP offers the highest real usable space for food storage available on the market: 50 litres more compared to market average for single door cabinets and 120 litres more compared to market average for double door cabinets.

Top performance under demanding conditions

The new labelling scheme also indicates the capability of the product to guarantee the best performances in heavy duty working conditions, and classifies ecostoreHP as level 5, meaning the cabinet can perform at 40°C ambient temperature and 40% humidity.

(*) Energy savings up to 830 €/year (freezer) and up to 300 €/year (refrigerator). Potential savings based on European Ecodesign directive data and obtained by comparing Class G refrigerators and freezers with equivalent Class A cabinets (energy cost of 0,21 €/kWh and net volume of 503lt).

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ecostore HP in class A is designed for heavy duty working conditions 2016-07-13T08:28:34+02:00 Electrolux Professional