People of Professional: Julie Fell

Embrace change with a passion for what you’re promoting has been a constant in Julie’s career

– that’s why our Head of Marketing for BA Laundry had little hesitation in taking up a role in a newfound global setting.

She found a calling for marketing during her university studies and built her B2B experience in heavy industry companies – at a time when marketeers were more often associated with trade shows and brochures.

On joining Electrolux Professional in 2010, she was Marketing Manager for Laundry in the UK & Ireland before taking on the added responsibility for food service, establishing a team working across marketing functions incorporating training and demonstrations.

Returning to her much-loved laundry roots, she remains UK-based in our Luton office, now with a team, colleagues – and customers – around the world.


How has Electrolux Professional helped shape your career?

Having shown I want to grow and develop, I have been encouraged by being given variety in my work, more responsibility and exposure to different areas of the business.

I have been lucky to have good mentors and colleagues; the company has great values and I’ve been given the freedom and opportunity to grow. As a company, we’re moving and evolving and my philosophy has always been to embrace the change and make it work for you.

What’s been your experience of how marketing has changed?  

It’s truly evolved with digital, marketing automation and web lead generation, which means everything is more measurable. There’s always an opportunity to reach customers with your messages and we have evolved towards a hybrid of digital and face-to-face business.

Now we can really show tangible reasons for the effectiveness of what we do. So, we have a role as digital ambassadors, even in an industry that lends itself to traditional means of marketing.

What’s the key to success as a marketeer?

Passion for the products. I can honestly say I really believe in our sustainable laundry solutions that live up to our mission of making our customers’ lives easier, more profitable and more sustainable.

We are well perceived in our markets but, especially now with rising energy prices, we have the facts and figures that show the efficiency of our solutions so we can be even bolder in getting our message out.

What are you most proud of in your work-life?  

I have been part of many great initiatives and launches during my time, some that spring to mind include the launch of SkyLine ovens and Line 6000 laundry range. And I would add that I am proud of how I have always embraced change during my career, especially when it comes to digital transformation.

My most recent accomplishment would be gaining my current role and being a mother of two young children. Achieving a work-life balance can be tough but I feel motivated every day within my role with the passion and drive to make it a success, for myself and the team.

Which of the company’s Guiding Principles speaks loudest to you?

It’s a tough choice between Customer Obsession and Be Bold, since to me they work hand-in-hand. In my role I really want to apply the principle of Being Bold – quicker to market with bold messages about the amazing laundry solutions we have for our customers. And it’s my job along with my team to ensure we really tell them about it.

Check out our global career site, if you aspire to pursue a career similar to Julie’s.

People of Professional: Julie Fell 2022-10-31T11:09:18+02:00 Electrolux Professional